Thursday, 11 February 2010

Just a quick update on Jesse, the rottweiller who lives across the road and shared our bus on her way to the vet yesterday. She is a very poorly little pup, and had to have a hysterectomy as she had a really bad infection. She is back home now but is feeling really sorry for herself and isn't eating or drinking, let alone taking her antibiotics. I found a syringe I had to worm the puppies with a few years back in the hope that Maria can get some water into her with that, otherwise she will have to go back to the vet.
Hang on in there Jesse we're all rooting for you.


Backcountry Brodie said...

That is very sad. Spaying and neutering prevents so many of these unnecessary illnesses. I hope Jesse feels better.

Life With Dogs said...

Here's hoping for a quick turnaround!