The path leads through the woods to the cliff path.
Finn always goes on the lead on the cliff path as you quite often hear of dogs going over the edge, and there is no way I will risk that happening to Finn. It is suposed to be only 4 miles to Mwnt but there are so many inlets that I'm sure it's twice that in reality.
You can't get the idea of how steep the drop is behind Finn here as I couldn't get in quite the right position with the camera without going over the edge myself!
looking back the way we had come. You can often see Dolphins playing round the headland where the currents meet, but there weren't any about yesterday. I often see a Peregrine here aswell and once I saw a Merlin hovering over the cliff face.
Looking forward. The plan was to have lunch in the field overlooking the rocks where the seals come to lie in the sun, but there was a strong North wind blowing off the sea and I decided to find somewhere more sheltered.
Finn is off the lead for this bit as it is far enough away from the edge and is quite a steep slope, which I don't appreciate being pulled down!
Another favorite watering place.
He does like the water.
Back on the lead here.
We waited till we were off the cliff path to have our lunch.
but a flask of coffee did a good job of warming me up before we carried on up this path, which in autumn is lined with blackberries.
Which led to this field.
and into this wood which will be thick with Daffodils soon.
Across the road to the Daffodil wood is this waterwheel, which looks quite forlorn standing alone.
Finn went for a closer look,
and so did I.
So far I haven't been able to find out anything about it's history, but I haven't given up yet.
Further along the road it was back into fields again. The path goes past this abandonned farm house, where if I had the money I would love to live. The land goes down to the cliff path and there are lovely seaviews and some useful out buildings.
You LIVE right by all of that? You are so lucky! We have to drive at least an hour and it's not even as beautiful as what you have. Great pictures, thanks for sharing!
Oh! I am jealous! These pictures! Soooo beautiful! I want to see more! Yay!
Hi Finn - as the others say, a beautiful, beautiful part of the World. You are very fortunate to live there - thanks for taking us along with you on your walk! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
What a great adventure you had!
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