I'm really good at that.
Sometimes we do 'Trievies' in the hall and sometimes to make it really fun we have jumps for me to go over to get my toy.
Sometimes we just practice our stays which is a bit boring really, but at least she's THERE not off playing ball with LLannwnen Hunt (whoever he is).Really you should have seen what she was wearing- how can she expect to play ball in a dress like that? She'll trip over the bottom of it and I daren't think what will happen at the other end! And the shoes were positively dangerous.She takes lots of pictures of me, but I wasn't allowed to take one of her to show you how silly she looked. AND she didn't get home until 3 o'clock this morning, she never plays ball with ME until that time.
But I was VERY good despite being ABANDONED. I looked after the house while she was out, I washed the cat's food bowls and cleared the litter tray, as well as making sure Smudge and Tara behaved themselves.
Anyway I think she felt bad about leaving me because today she let me watch K9 on TV. I think Jerry Lee is real cool, but Mum says he's a bad influence. Then we went to one of my favorite places for a good run this afternoon.
Me at Patch.
I went swimming and chased sticks and found an old football and a boy played with me, then I helped Mum collect firewood then we went home and I had my dinner.
I might just forgive her for leaving me all alone last night after all she doesn't do it very often.
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