Finn went to an obedience show in Carmarthen last Sunday. He prefers agility it's much more FUN, but he didn't do too badly. When we went to the same show 2 years ago we were the ones who made everyone else feel
really good!I DIDN'T DARE GO LAST YEAR! IWe nearly didn't bother this year either but we're glad we did.
Our best class was the intermediate. It was the first one we did and after he'd done it once what was the point of doing it allover again!

This was just before he broke his stay to follow me on the recall. We lost 5 marks for that.

WE lost 2 1/2 makks on our heelwork on lead and 3 on the off lead section

He did an almost perfect retrieve, but lost 1 mark for sitting crooked.
Iwas particularly pleased with his stays (1min.sit and 2 mins. down) as the steward was standing directly between us so it was almost an out of sight stay!

The winners of the advanced class, Finn's friend Peter was 5th. Welldone Peter,(and Ann)
1 comment:
Great job Finn! You have some awesome achievements! I don't know if we have good enough manners for all of those certifications and competitions! How did you get to be so patient?! Hope our mum and dad don't see this - they will expect us to start acting this way! :D
Pruett and Daphne
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