Monday, 11 June 2012

Goodbye Tara Cat

It was a very sad day today. Tara cat has gone to Kitty Heaven. We don't know eggsackly how old she was, but it must be about 18 which is quite old for a little kitty. She has got very thin lately, but she was still eating and enjoying life in her own kitty way. She would sleep a lot, but still liked visiting all her friends, everyone in the road knew her and she loved sitting with the children. If anyone new moved into the road she had to go and make them feel welcome, which led to her being given to the R.S.P.C.A. a couple of years ago an experience she never got over properly. She would sit in the middle of the road and make the traffic stop before she moved, silly kitty, and when visiting the farm round the corner would walk right in the middle of the main road! She must have used all her 9 lives and just about every other kitty's in the district! But last night when she came in she was hopping on three legs, and when She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed picked her up the fourth one just dangled all floppy, she didn't seem to be in any pain so we left her to sleep and gave her lots of milk (which she loved even though it's not really very good for kitties) and a big meal of her fave food. She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed took her to the Vetlady this morning. She had broken her femur in her back leg and wasn't strong enough to go through surgery so the vetlady gave her an injection and she went to sleep. We put her in the garden under an old english rose which smells a lot.
Here are the last pictures of her taken last night.

 Would you like my new ball Tara?
R.I.P. Tara cat. We miss you.

Friday, 8 June 2012


We didn't have an adventure Thursday last week or this week!
 For one thing last week was one big adventure anyway, we went spent most of the time on the beach, and we went to Monmouth for my first  outdoor show of the season but more of that later when She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed gets round to sorting herself out to organise photies and things.
The other reason was horrible, nasty sluggity things. They come into our house at night and have parties on the kitchen floor! The silence of the night is very often shattered by a piercing scream as She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed treads on one with her bare feet when she gets up for a drink of water in the night. She scoops them up on an old fish slice kept specially for the job and lobs them out the front door, hoping desperately no one is walking up next doors path. (I personally think our house is on the slug  list of things to do-go there for flying lessons!), well we could put up with all that as long as they kept to the floor, but they started popping out of the overflow in the sink when She Who Thinks She Must Be Obeyed was washing up,
 crawling over the worksurface
and the last straw came when we found these two cuddled up all cosy in the cutlery drawer!

Well the Sluggit man came last Thursday to see what to do and then came back again yesterday and sealed up everywhere he thought they were coming in and there was only one trail this morning and we're hoping that was one already in here.
Me, Tara and Smudge don't want nasty sluggits in our food!