We had two shows on the weekend of the 15th October, yes two! The first one was on Saturday at Bromyard near Hereford. We set out on Friday at about mid-day, stopping for lunch and walkies at Halfway. I must admit I hadn't really been looking forward to camping at this time of year, it gets dark so early, and light quite late and what on earth do you do in a tiny tent for all that time other than freeze.Of course it had to be the coldest weekend of the year so far didn't it, with a frost on Saturday morning (the only one I've seen this year!) But it was a lovely little show with very small classes as there was another show on at Shrewsbury at the same time and nearly everyone had gone there. We were the only idiots camping and I don't think the dogs realised they were actually at a show, even when we were running it seemed as though they thought they were training! It was held at a fantastic equestrian centre with indoor and outdoor menages in which the rings were set up. Beryl came first in one class and second in another, well done Tansy. Finn came fourth in one ,but the class was so small there were only rosettes to third and he did have a few poles down.
setting up the ring
Our four runs were over just after lunch and we packed up our tent and set off for Monmouth for the second show of the weekend.
the new campsite
views of Monmouth from the tent
We had another four good runs, but still managed to knock the odd pole down, so no clear round this weekend although the judge in the last class praised Finn's weaves.
After we had finished we let the dogs relax in the river. Just look at Sooty!
a soggy doggy
At the end of the show there was a hot air balloon ascent from a corner of the field, it made a perfect end to a lovely weekend.
It flew right over the showground.
Our next show is on December 10th at Cardiff, but don't worry, it's a one day one so we wont take the tent!