Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Wye Valley show

Hi everyone, just to let you know Finn is still around even though Talk Talk have cut our Internet connection and put us on incoming calls only and up until 1st of this month I hadn't even missed a payment! But that's another story.
Beryl took us to Monmouth at the weekend for the Wye valley show. It was a beautiful weekend and Finn was modelling his towelling coat he wears soaked in water to keep him cool before he runs. All things considered we were working well together although we never got a clear round and he fell off the dog walk three times!
the campsite was next to the river and all the dogs spent a good deal of time cooling off there. On Saturday night there were fireworks in one of the houses adjoining the showground and 4 dogs went missing. 3 were found quickly, but the last was missing until 12.30 at night, there must have been about 200 people scouring the campsite for her and it looked really eerie as all the torches were bobbing about in the dark but thankfully she was found.
Sorry there's no photo's again, but I'm on a friends computer and wasn't actually meaning to use it today.
Finn's next show is the last weekend of this month and then again on the 17th July.

Watch out for us on Watchdog and X-Ray with our talk talk dispute.